Saturday, August 20, 2011

Canadian ForexMetaTrader Brokers

Forex trading has long been available, even for ordinary citizens. Today, trade with foreign currency is no longer limited only to those who have training in financial economics, banking or even. Now, almost everyone who wants to make money with Forex trading can. Of course, at least have the right trading platform help. In addition to choosing the right trading platform, it is also crucial that you understand how you set your expectations right and select the best broker to represent you. Remember, even with the best Forex MetaTrader brokers or trading platform the most expensive, you can still lose money on this business.

Selecting the Broker Forex MetaTrader

First it is important to understand that MetaTrader is one of the most popular (and probably the most popular as well) platforms forex trading available. Many brokers are now using the application MetaTrader, but it's still a great reality to find a broker, you can have full confidence in your finances is not easy for everyone. It still pays to choose wisely MetaTrader Forex brokers especially when they can affect your trading activity and has much to do with how you spend your money. There are the most popular brokers, including InstaForex, IBFX, FXCM, eToro, FXOpen and Some important factors you should consider when choosing your MetaTrader Forex brokers are their many years of industry experience, the ease with which you can exchange (based on your actual trading activities and habits), commissions you pay and so on ...

Make sure to take time to compare the MetaTrader Forex brokers before signing as your money and your time will be online if you choose wrong.

Setting the Right Forex trading expectations

One of the biggest mistakes people make is expecting too much from foreign exchange trading. It is true that the exchange forex trading made many people rich. However, currency trading has also made many people lose money, especially those who expect much from this trade. Note that even the best Forex MetaTrader brokers or the best forex platform can not get rich overnight. In most cases, you must have at least a few months to define their business strategy and make it work for you. It is important to set the right expectations, so it would not have to immediately leave the trade. After all, the Forex market can really make easy money, especially with the right platform with the help of a trained and experienced.

Making money in Forex

If you have decided to start trading foreign currency, then you're in for a good treatment as long as you have the patience to find the right platform and the best agents around. You can make easy money at home, especially with the concept of automated forex trading system - imagine putting in less time while you make money all the time. So you actually make money, remember that losses will always be a part of the game, so be prepared for them as well. Once you've found the best platform to use, access to the best Forex MetaTrader brokers, set your expectations right and determination to put your money right at home with forex trading, then you are good at do.

Canadian Forex Broker Bonus

Forex brokers offer great bonuses for operators for a long time now. Forex brokers offer bonuses such as signup bonus, usually around $ 25 to sign with an agent for some, a bonus every time you have a business with them, a bonus for achieving a certain amount of seeds, a premium to negotiate with them for a certain period of time, a bonus for referring new players, including his friends bonus, and bonuses to cool. Just kidding about the raw cool, but it would be great to get bonuses just for being a forex trader of the hip.

However, brokerage firms have really improved the level of bonuses that give to us. Forex brokers are in great competition cold cash bonus and extra bonus for their best retailers, such as package holidays, new cars, and other interesting things like that. Best of all is that Forex brokers are not the only ones who offer great bonus.

Forex Trading Systems jumping action

Forex trading systems are realizing the incredible potential to offer bonuses. Actually, giving a bonus, the system of exchange is a golden opportunity to keep you as a customer and create a good relationship with you. The best trading system to give bonuses, such as offering testing for less than five dollars to the Members Area Free trial offer and trading of the major currencies, instead of one, two, such as the EUR / USD. This is a great opportunity to start in forex trading on autopilot!

Are you ready to succeed in the Forex? Sign up today to receive trading signals automatic, daily live act, the best news feeds and much more. You will see how Easy-Forex can be a trading system that turns out to be the most accurate for over 7 years.

Canadian Broker For Your Forex Robot

Of course, we mentioned the fees and expenses and a host of other issues we have covered almost all the bases to find a good Forex broker. All bases, except one, and may be the most important thing to consider when shopping for a forex broker.

As the forex robots are not all created equal forex brokers. Just the essence of being cautious, believing that there is a forex broker out there who really cares if you make money. Forex brokers are like casinos. They know that there will be winners along the way, but unlike the casinos, it costs nothing if you win forex broker. And they really do not care if you lose, as long as you keep trading because that is how they make their money.

In that spirit, let's take a look at these two types of forex brokers out there today.

Sharks in the water

Using the analogy of the casino, you know the odds are against you when you walk in, no matter what game you choose to play. In theory, Forex trading can be different and if you have a really good forex robot, perhaps you can tilt the odds in your favor a little. The basic assumption should be that on every trade you take, you have a 50% chance of winning and a 50% chance of losing. Believe it or not, they are not bad odds, and odds of winning are much better than anything you could ever get in a casino.

Now, suppose the odds were in currency trading against them. Would it be to be an attractive business capital spending? Probably not, and unfortunately, using what is known as a service bargaining agent, the odds are against you.

Dealing desk brokers are real sharks in the waters, because they can see their foreign exchange operations and then take the opposite position. So not only make money in your business, also are money losers. Worst of all, if you think a robot can help you with forex broker front desk, you're wrong. Dealing desk agents are aware of a lot and have the technology to identify the operations of the forex robots and they love punishing the forex robots and their owners.

Go With IB

IB introducing broker. These are brokers that you and your robot to forex trading. They have no business operations. Only market makers use to manage their business so that they are a neutral party. They are not trading against you and do not seek forex robots and try to use. The choice is clear. Ensuring that trade with the introduction of the runners.

Retired Canadian economist. My main activity since the winter of 2006 are Forex trading. I have been trading currencies online with the help of EA and I currently manages two trading accounts forex brokers in the United States and Britain, respectively.

Forex Basic Definitions For Canadian Traders

Forex trading can be overwhelming for beginners. Here's a quick breakdown of the basic definitions and new forex trading FX.

What is Forex?

Forex refers to foreign exchange market, the largest financial market in the world. Different currencies in the world are bought, sold and marketed with the hope that fluctuations in exchange rates will be fruitful for buyers and sellers.

Persons or organizations recognized by the Commission US Commodities future trading (CFTC) to trade in futures and receive money from clients to their business, called the Futures Commission Merchants (FCM). GCF of similar dealers.

Currency trading platform used by buyers and sellers is called the electronic communications network (ECN). Stock market as REC, REC currency to exchange, buy and bid in real time around the world.

Exchange rate

The exchange rate is determined by the value of one currency against another. An exchange will normally be represented by the ISO currency codes written as currency pairs. Take a look at this example:

EUR / USD 1.3400

EUR and USD are the currency codes, which means one million euro and the dollar means the U.S. dollar. Together they are the currency pair. The first listed currency pair is called the base currency, but this term can also refer to your account, the money exchanged in the second currency is called the counter currency. The exchange rate is an example of 1.3400. This means that 1 euro is worth $ 1.34.

There are many ISO codes for currencies, but here are some of the most commonly traded:

AUD - Australian Dollar

CAD - Canadian Dollar

CHF - Swiss Franc

EUR - Euro

GBP - Pound Sterling

JPY - Japanese Yen

NZD - New Zealand Dollars United States

USD - U.S. Dollars

Some currency pairs are also commonly traded than others. Many Forex brokers and dealers to use the jargon of these pairs, the following:

AUD / USD - "Aussie"

EUR / USD - "Euro"

GBP / USD - "Cable" or "Sterling"

NZD / USD - "Kiwi"

USD / CAD - "Dollar Canada"

USD / CHF - "Swissy"

USD / JPY - "Dollar Yen"

Pip value

A pip is the increment of the most common currencies. It is the smallest difference in value in the price of a currency pair and is usually in the last decimal. Pip positive or negative is how you calculate your gain or loss. For example, if your EUR / USD 1.3400 is the EUR / USD 1.3401 as prices rose a peep.

Value of the PIP can be fixed or variable depending on the base currency of your account or currency pair you are trading. Value of the pip EUR / USD will still be $ 10 for standard lots and $ 1 for mini-lots. To calculate the pip value of the currency you buy, divide a pip of the exchange rate and multiply it by the lot size. Pip value conversion of the value of your currency is just as easy, simply multiply the pip value of your currency.


The standard size per transaction is designated as the party. Typically, the lot size is 100 000 units of base currency. A mini lot is only 10,000 units, and some Forex brokers even allow you to negotiate micro lots of 1,000 units throughout a unit. To have a mini or micro account requires less investment than a regular account.


The difference between the quoted buy and sell the quote is known to spread. Look at this example:

EUR / USD 1.3401/01

The difference in our spread is one pip. For forex traders to break even, they must move their position in the direction of trade. They should move up to the sum of the spread.


Borrow funds to take advantage of your account is what is known as leverage. By increasing leverage, traders can win or lose more money. To calculate the leverage ratio, divide your total open positions by your account equity. If you have $ 1,000 in your account and open a $ 100,000 position, you get 100 times or 100:1.

The deposit required to open or maintain a higher position is called margin. In the example above, you have a margin of 1%.


Nobody likes to lose, but if you do not, amount of equity lost in a series of operations is called a withdrawal. Drawdown is the peak-through measurement is usually expressed as a percentage. If you start to lose $ 10,000 and $ 2.500 for a day and the next $ 2,500, then your account would be $ 5,000 and would have left 50% of the withdrawal. It is not what you want to trade the FX transaction.

Must Use Canadian Regulated Forex Brokers

Are you considering a career in Forex broker regulated? Forex brokers are changing the field of foreign exchange, earning millions of customers. They also gain a bit 'of money in commissions for themselves, betting on which countries are the exchange rate to increase or decrease in the future.

Regulating Forex brokers?

Since Forex brokers in the world of work in different cities and countries, no single agency regulates all Forex brokers. Instead, brokers are regulated by the regulator in their respective local brokerage countries of origin. Hence, U.S. Forex brokers are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

Forex brokers based in Japan are regulated by the Financial Services Agency, while Forex brokers are regulated by the Securities Commission of Iraq, Iraq.

What rules apply to traders?

Trading on foreign exchanges is very different from trading on the NYSE and Nasdaq. Rules for Forex trading is done by the National Futures Association. The majority of trades involve the major currencies: the U.S., Canadian and Australian dollar, euro, British pound, Japanese yen, and so on.

National Futures Association

Regulations of this type are described in the Future of the National Association Retail Off Exchange Regulations. Included in these rules is the information on evaluations and assessments, the requirements for managing a Forex account, obligations of assignees, and a variety of situations that arise throughout the negotiations.

The online site of the National Futures Association carries a wealth of information for the forex broker starting and investors in the Forex. You will learn the rules that traders, investors, Forex alerts, Forex requirements for reporting, notices to Forex members, notice of judgments interpreting the rules, and other resources for people interested in learning more on Forex.

The site also provides links to resources necessary electronic notifications to establish and maintain a Forex brokerage: promotional materials, exemptions, foreign reports, complaints, and the annual questionnaire.

Beware of unregulated brokers

A more widespread problem that investors should be aware of is Forex fraud. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is similar to that of the clients lost more than $ 395 million in foreign exchange fraud schemes.

Requests for additional information

If you want to know more about forex that can be found at the site of the National Futures Association, you can find more information by trading Forex an independent program or taking a course.

Regulated Canadian Forex Brokers

As a forex broker of your new first challenge is choosing the right forex broker. It's not as easy as it seems and all the search process may take your breath away. Due to fierce competition between Forex brokers that offer different features, capabilities, exciting and unique features. However, the salient features that can be found a potential weakness.

I'm talking about here is a weak point, if the forex broker is a regulated entity. Forex brokers can be bad and you may find it difficult to repatriate profits, if the forex broker is not some kind of authority.

What are these regulators? Include a few here:

National Futures Association (NFA)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

Swiss Federal Ministry of Finance (FDF)

Escalade Incorporated (ESCA)

Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPFA)

International Financial Services Centre (IFSC)

Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)

The Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ)

German Labour Market Authority (BaFin)

The next question you probably want to ask is how these regulators retain the right forex brokers. Here's the simple explanation:

Your agent is responsible for its money, whether registered or advantage. A regulated broker is under a watchful eye of the regulator. In case something goes wrong with the deposit, withdrawal or even a trading platform, you can complain, sue or appeal about your forex broker. Regulators protect traders against the business practices of fraud, embezzlement and illegal.

Regulated Forex Brokers have duties to submit to the Authority. The duties themselves are the financial reports. If a forex broker fails to file his duties, there is no second chance here - he gets an "F" and the regulator or ask a fine, or better yet, remove them from their list of members.

Regulated Forex broker does not hide the fact that it is regulated and that is authority. You can easily locate the site forex brokers - the house or the "us".

Authority of a regulated Forex broker is located in a country where the broker is registered in. For example, Forex brokers are regulated by the CFTC and NFA have brokers located in the United States. Although a regulated forex broker regulated by the FDF Swiss registed.

To summarize, trading forex regulated broker gives you security and protection you need a forex trader.

Best Canadian Forex Brokers - Choosing A Forex Broker

If your search is to find you the best forex broker for your needs, the task can be a bit difficult but not impossible. The basic knowledge you need is some basic qualities of a good job brokerage and effective. Three basic grades are listed to help you invest and do it well with a forex broker:

Is the broker is regulated and showing their respect for their integrity and discipline.

Reliable and support around the clock customer.

The list of currencies to trade on the broker. Currencies like the Australian dollar, Canadian and U.S., euro, British pound, Japanese yen, rupees, etc. Also how they behave in accordance with the hours of operation of the global forex market

There are many online brokers that offer in-depth research, several demonstration programs, innovative and user friendly trading platforms for the execution of a click, and some forex brokers will begin trading with $ 25.

The best Forex brokers are characterized by their deep knowledge of the techniques of money management. Trading signals understanding, the ability to analyze the rapidly changing market conditions and various factors of market understanding, these interests are the criteria for that property. Traders provided such information, they perform their jobs consistent use of these proven methods. Best Forex Brokers maintain high standards of service that allows merchants to focus on business opportunities in the Forex market, while helping to control their margin and liquidity risk and the customer support efficient and timely manner. There is no broker who is 100% perfect, including Best Top Rated Forex Brokers worldwide. Before starting to process any online forex broker is highly recommended to learn all about forex broker and try a demo.